January 12, 2021
The Claimant was a head teacher, with a projected final salary of £105,000. Based on her projected pensionable service, she would have received a gross pension of £60,000 per annum from her retirement. She has actually received an ill health pension of £50,000 per annum, and so her annual pension loss, before Income Tax, appears to be £10,000. However, due to salary increases towards the end of her career, the Claimant’s projected pension benefits for AA purposes increased significantly. The excess pension accrued over the annual limit would be subject to tax at the Claimant’s highest tax rate, and would have led to total tax charges of £26,000 during the period of loss. Due to ‘Scheme Pays’ arrangements, these tax charges would initially be paid by the Teachers’ Pension Scheme, and clawed back by a reduction to the Claimant’s pension, of £1,600 per year. In addition, the Claimant’s total pension benefits for LTA purposes exceed the current lifetime limit of £1,073,100. As the Claimant would not have taken a pension lump sum, the excess pension over the LTA would be subject to a tax charge of 25%. Again, due to Scheme Pays arrangements, this tax charge would be paid by a reduction to the Claimant’s pension, of £1,750 per year. No AA or LTA charges would have been applicable to the Claimant’s ill health pension. Therefore, by taking account of the projected AA and LTA charges, the potential annual pension loss, before Income Tax, has reduced from £10,000 pa to £6,650 pa. To discuss a potential case on a no obligation basis, you can: Call us on 0113 387 5670 Email us at enquiries@forthsonline.co.uk Fill out an Enquiry Form