Alcohol wholesalers are being targeted by HMRC as it continues to clampdown on tax evasion in the UK. The Revenue estimates that £1.2bn in alcohol taxes are unpaid each year.
Alcohol wholesalers have until 31st March 2016 to register for HMRC’s Alcohol Wholesale Registration Scheme. Registration must be made online and following this, wholesalers will have to face a fit and proper persons test.
The wholesalers will also have to demonstrate that it keeps proper business records and that it does not conduct transactions with fraudsters.
HMRC believes that the approved list of wholesalers will help reduce the amount of unpaid taxes from alcohol trading, and will also assist legitimate traders by clamping down on competitors trading illegally.
As of 2017, purchasers will only be able to purchase alcohol from the approved wholesalers, a list of which will be published online.
The latest move by HMRC follows a trend of targeting certain industries in its efforts to clampdown on tax evasion in the UK. Previous sectors falling under the spotlight have included hairdressers, plumbers and even solicitors
Our team of experienced tax investigations professionals are regularly called upon by individuals, professionals and businesses to assist in dealing with HMRC, whether it be during a tax investigation or in making a voluntary disclosure of unpaid tax.
With more powers at it’s disposal, new tactics, a larger greater budget and resources, HMRC is becoming increasingly ruthless in targeting those who have unpaid tax liabilities.
Many may already be within HMRC’s sights, and we would urge those who believe that they may have underpaid tax, whether deliberately, or innocently as an oversight, to talk to our team of tax experts in the first instance in order to establish your position.
Forths Forensic Accountants have considerable experience in advising clients through tax investigations by HMRC and in making voluntary disclosures of unpaid tax.
To discuss your circumstances in complete confidence, you can call us on 0113 387 5670 or fill out an Enquiry Form and we will contact you straight away.