In brain injury cases, calculating loss of potential future income is particularly challenging. When issues about impaired judgement and altered behaviour of the victim arise, it can be complicated to be precise about the impact this could have on a business.
Our forensic accountants are regularly instructed in brain injury cases to consider the financial evidence in order to assist solicitors in the development and preparation of the case. The earlier that you instruct our expert forensic accountant the more clear the picture we can prepare in relation to the projected financial loss the victim will encounter as a result of the accident.
We were instructed by a solicitor who was acting on behalf of a man who had suffered a severe brain injury whilst crossing the road.
The claimant was the owner of a large size lighting retailer / wholesaler business which had a number of overseas supply chain agreements. His business had a number of significant contracts with national retailers.
By examining the post-accident period it became clear that there was downturn in trade within the business. However, there were complications in proving this due to the fact that the claimant had difficulty in recalling the financial timeline. The claimant was also unwilling to accept that personality changes and a decline in cognitive abilities had lead to a loss of contracts with retailers.
To assist the solicitor we prepared an in-depth report by compiling all relevant financial information to build a picture of the loss to the business, and in relation to the impact on the claimant’s earnings capacity, as a result of the accident. It was also important to recognise the impact of the reduction in cognitive ability in relation to the claimant’s personal earnings.
The case settled with a satisfactory outcome to the client. We were able to assist the solicitor in building a clearer and realistic picture of the financial loss, which in turn lead to a smoother settlement and therefore a swifter costs resolution.
We undertake a considerable amount of brain injury claims each year, and our team of forensic accountants has built a wide range of experience in this area.
For advice and assistance in calculating the quantum elements of loss in such cases you can call us on 0113 387 5670 or fill out an Enquiry Form and we will contact you straight away.